Sunday, October 7, 2012

Battle of the Bloat - Inventory Deflation

Massive inventory's are fairly common in SL - especially among those of us that love to shop and just can't get enough hair, skin, shoes, jewelry, makeup.. mesh, the list goes on and on.  And unless you've kept on top of it from the start - the inventory can become a massive jungle where you .. might be able to find what you are really looking for.  But there are things you can do to cut down the number (which can help you if you experience issues with the asset server or lag, it can't hurt), and even to work your way into the path of having a sorted inventory - the big key here is to NOT get overwhelmed.

And believe me - it's easy.  I started this mission a while ago with nearly 140k, which rarely if ever actually showed up entirely - now I'm down to 111 k which is still extremely massive.

So, what are a few simple steps you can take to start the sorting process.

Step #1:

Delete anything that is 'clutter'.

  • Excess Scripts (hover text, unpacking scripts, etc.)
  • Excess Notecards 
  • Excess Landmarks (In all honesty - I'm deleting all of my landmarks and starting from scratch, I usually am able to find where I'm going by some casual searching without them and they take up massive space)
  • Past Event Invites
  • Photos of Items from group notices
  • Duplicate Items
This alone will get you a good start - but for me it was rather boring to do this for too long so I switch it up with the following.

Step #2

Inventory Browsing and Deleting

I'm not actually to a stage where I'm 'sorting' - but sometimes it's fun to just dive in and try stuff on and it helps me comb through a bit in advance, while giving me a break from the above tasks.  This is a much slower process of getting rid of things so it's not going to help entirely - but it will help some.

Step #3 

Finally I round this off with the inventory guides from OhMyOhmai which can be found here - the best and most useful I've seen thus far.

The only thing I personally adjust is rather than take photos for my computer - I'm using the CTS Wardrobe which I admit has a bit more setup - and does have a cost, but also has a ton more features and I find it to be more useful in the end.  You can scoop that up for $699 @

I personally am going to be following this plan for the next.. uh.. however long it takes, and will make some posts on my progress along the way.  I may even share some of the weird items I find in my inventory.. like say the "Whose Your Daddy DNA test", the swaddled prim baby, or the sperm mobile.. wait.. uh.. is that a theme of some kind? Oh .. dear.

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