We wanted something that would help her explore, help her practice camming (for hunts later on!), but not be overly difficult - and that's when we stumbled on Traffic Cones.
Traffic Cones are something I'd heard of before but generally brushed off as "noob fodder", why spend all that time for such a small amount? When compared to RL money it's next to nothing.. literally. But then I changed my perspective.. what if it's not about just earning money.. what if it's just explore and have a good time while getting used to SL?

About every minute something like this comes up in local :
[12:28] Traffic Cone Gold 4.01, Chicago City: 3 minutes left. Remember: the owner of this place pays the money that you can earn at this Cone. Please walk around and take a look at the things this place offers!
And when you are done waiting:
[12:31] Traffic Cone Gold 4.01, Chicago City: FINISHED! Please touch the Cone within the next 3 minutes to receive your money.
Click your cone!
[12:31] Traffic Cone Gold 4.01, Chicago City: Please wait...
[12:31] Traffic Cone Gold 4.01, Chicago City: Congratulations! You will receive L$2! ◆ Touch the cone again to earn more Linden Dollars! ◆ Report cone: http://bletaverse.com/report/11134-46767 ◆ Donate coins to our tree program! Help to renature the rainforrests with your coin donation! ☛ http://bletaverse.com/69
[12:31] Silas Gabardini paid you L$2.
[12:31] Traffic Cone Gold 4.01, Chicago City whispers: Katy Isodo earned L$2 by using the Bletaverse Traffic Cone. Visit our homepage: http://bletaverse.com
Then you can click it again and get a slurl to another cone, and keep going for however long you like.
So in the end it earned a little bit but nothing earth shattering. It's fun for what it is - but not something that is going to be able to really support anyone in SL for long. It does however offer true newbies a way to get used to SL and earn a few linden along the way.
More information can be found @ http://bletaverse.com/free-lindens-dollars-second-life-money
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