Recently in SL I adopted a newbie - which isn't something I do very often since I'm usually fairly busy. But this one felt different (and it was - she's now a great friend!). In order to get some linden in her pocket, we explored some options.
We wanted something that would help her explore, help her practice camming (for hunts later on!), but not be overly difficult - and that's when we stumbled on Traffic Cones.
Traffic Cones are something I'd heard of before but generally brushed off as "noob fodder", why spend all that time for such a small amount? When compared to RL money it's next to nothing.. literally. But then I changed my perspective.. what if it's not about just earning money.. what if it's just explore and have a good time while getting used to SL?

Traffic cones work like this: You find a cone (you can get to one through the main HQ), you click the base, enter the captcha code which is always 3 numbers and 2 upper case letters - and then wait anywhere from 6-9 minutes in a given location. You can wander the area, or even go afk briefly - but be sure to come back since once your time is up- you are given a 3 minute time limit to come back and touch your cone again to claim your $2-$4L.
About every minute something like this comes up in local :
[12:28] Traffic Cone Gold 4.01, Chicago City: 3 minutes left. Remember: the owner of this place pays the money that you can earn at this Cone. Please walk around and take a look at the things this place offers!
And when you are done waiting:
[12:31] Traffic Cone Gold 4.01, Chicago City: FINISHED! Please touch the Cone within the next 3 minutes to receive your money.
Click your cone!
[12:31] Traffic Cone Gold 4.01, Chicago City: Please wait...
[12:31] Traffic Cone Gold 4.01, Chicago City: Congratulations! You will receive L$2! ◆ Touch the cone again to earn more Linden Dollars! ◆ Report cone: ◆ Donate coins to our tree program! Help to renature the rainforrests with your coin donation! ☛
[12:31] Silas Gabardini paid you L$2.
[12:31] Traffic Cone Gold 4.01, Chicago City whispers: Katy Isodo earned L$2 by using the Bletaverse Traffic Cone. Visit our homepage:
Then you can click it again and get a slurl to another cone, and keep going for however long you like.
So in the end it earned a little bit but nothing earth shattering. It's fun for what it is - but not something that is going to be able to really support anyone in SL for long. It does however offer true newbies a way to get used to SL and earn a few linden along the way.
More information can be found @